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What is Blog Mode, Academic Mode, and Fluency mode?


Paraphrasing-Tool.ai is your go-to AI tool for paraphrasing texts online.

While the tool is easy to use, and the different paraphrasing modes speak for themselves, it is essential to clarify what each mode does.

This brief article will enlighten you on the matter. We will explore three modes of Paraphrasing-Tool’s paraphraser, namely:

  • Blog mode,
  • Academic mode; and
  • Fluency mode.

So, let’s get started.

Paraphrasing Modes

Paraphrasing-Tool.ai offers you different paraphrasing modes, for your unique paraphrasing needs.

For example, the Formal mode allows you to paraphrase text in a formal tone.

Likewise, there are several modes that paraphrase text differently, which gives users more control over how they want to paraphrase their texts.

Now let’s understand these modes.

1. Blog mode

Blog mode in Paraphrasing-Tool.ai is designed for paraphrasing SEO-optimized content, which allows users to freeze specific keywords.

In other paraphrasing modes, an SEO-optimized content may lose its targeted keywords.

This is why the blog mode exists. It allows you to retain SEO of your content, which means you don’t have to re-optimize your content from scratch after paraphrasing.

However, blog mode works on a thinly optimized text. A fully optimized content with various keywords in the body as well as in headings is best paraphrased manually.

  • Suitable for: SEO-Optimized text
  • Pros: Retains SEO of your text

2. Academic mode

Academic mode in Paraphrasing-Tool is designed for students and researchers for paraphrasing their assignments and research papers.

The main feature of the academic mode is that it locks references and citations; it does not alter references to other papers and websites to retain the academic aspects of the text.

Moreover, academic mode also paraphrases texts in a formal tone, as student assignments and research papers are usually written in a formal tone.

This mode retains the overall academic style of the text.

  • Suitable for: Academic papers, such as assignments and research papers
  • Pros: Enhances formality of your text

3. Fluency mode 

Fluency mode in Paraphrasing-Tool.ai is a special mode that allows you to paraphrase text in a fluent language.

Fluency mode mainly focuses on making the input text more readable.

It works to reduce wordiness and complex sentences into shorter and simpler ones to increase the overall readability of the text.

Fluency mode is best for text with poor readability score. If you think your text’s readability needs improvements, consider paraphrasing it using the fluency mode.

  • Suitable for: Wordy & complex text
  • Pros: Simplifies the text


Paraphrasing-Tool offers different modes, including Blog, Academic, and Fluency mode. Blog mode allows you to freeze SEO keywords, while Academic mode allows you to paraphrase assignments and research papers without losing the academic aspects of text, and Fluency mode allows you to simplify your text for better readability.

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